Alliance for Coastal technologies
ACT is a partnership of research institutions, resource managers, and private sector companies dedicated to fostering the development and adoption of effective and reliable sensors and platforms for use in coastal, freshwater and ocean environments.
– Transition emerging technologies to operational use rapidly and effectively
– Maintain a dialogue among technology users, developers, and providers
– Identify technology needs and novel technologies
– Document technology performance and potential
– Provide a foundation for the US Integrated Ocean Observing System


- October, 2022
- ACT and MERC release Testing Guidelines for ship biofouling in-water cleaning systems.
- September, 2022
- ACT and MERC release report on the Juton HHS ship in-water cleaning system
- May, 2021
- ACT releases workshop report on Envisioning the Future of eDNA Sampling and Sample Processing.
- October, 2020
- ACT release Coastal Hyperspectral Algorithms Demontrartion Report.
- October, 2020
- ACT releases the first two HAB Toxin Detection Demonstration Reports.

- New Radiation measurement category added under the physical section
Now over 240 meteorological instruments listed
Seven submersible manufacturers to choose from - Explore a wide variety of accessories including nets, cables, camera mounts, and more in the hardware section

- ACT release an Performance Verification for ballast water total residual oxidant (TRO) analyzers.
- ACT releases 7 individual Verification Reports on the performance of next-generation nutrient sensors.
- ACT releases Verification Reports for six different dissolved oxygen sensors.
- Chesapeake Bay Acidification: Towards a Research and Monitoring Strategy
- Needs & Use for in-situ pH Sensors